Quantum Bio-feedback Therapy and Massage Therapy
Quantum Biofeedback Computerised Natural Healthcare offers immense benefits in restoring physical, mental and emotional balance. Quantum Biofeedback represents an amazing breakthrough in the quality of natural health and medicine. Using cutting edge technology, Quantum Biofeedback is able to precisely reveal an individuals specific areas of stress and overload that affect you physically, mentally and emotionally. A great reference is to go to our website www.jbwellness.com and read through the testimonials. By reading through our testimonials, you will see many of our clients that previously suffered with a wide range of symptoms including: fatigue, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, hypersensitivities, skin problems, stress, poor sleep, anxiety/depression, low motivation, weight gain, pain, learning difficulties, behavioural problems. The Quantum Biofeedback system works by balancing out your nervous system, which is an extensive web of neurological circuits that controls your brain and body. By bringing your "electrical system" back into balance, areas of stress and blockages are cleared, allowing your system to heal and regenerate effectively. Quantum Biofeedback is suitable for all ages. In the last decade, we have run over 30,000 biofeedback appointments, with our clients ranging from infants to the elderly. It is a totally pain free therapy, that offers immense benefits for those people wanting true health and wellness.